Zencal University

Confirm meetings with selected clients

If your type of services is intended only for a specific target group, you have the ability to qualify clients with whom you want to meet.For this purpose, in the basic settings of the meeting topic, check the "Require organizer confirmation" option.

Enabling this option will require manual approval of meetings in your calendar.

Process Automation

However, a large number of such meetings can be cumbersome. Therefore, we recommend using client qualification process automation.

If you use forms in your meeting topic, you have the ability to describe the requirements for your ideal client.

Thanks to our automation and AI support, you can qualify clients automatically.

How does it work?

First, you need to create questions that we will display to your clients during meeting scheduling.

For example, let's assume the questions are as follows:

  • Who are you? (Short text answer)
  • What do you do? (Long text answer)
  • What type of services do you sell? (Single choice field)
    • B2B
    • B2C
  • What services do you provide? (Multiple choice field)
    • Consulting
    • Production
    • Mentoring
    • Programming
    • Education

AI Analysis

Next to the form builder, you have a field where you can describe your ideal client.

The better you do this, the better AI will be able to qualify your potential clients.

Example descriptions for the above form could look as follows:

I want to meet only with startup founders who deal with anything but sell only B2B services and provide at least one of these services: Consulting, Production
I want to meet only with company CEOs who deal with marketing problems, sell B2B services, and provide production or educational services

What's next?

After the initial meeting scheduling by the client, their responses will be analyzed by Zencal AI.

If the client is qualified, the meeting will be confirmed.

If the client is not qualified, the meeting will be rejected.

For rejected meetings, you can create your own notification where you explain to the client why the meeting was not confirmed.