Zencal University

How to share link to your calendar

To share a link for schedule an meeting with your clients, you must first create a meeting topic.

Next, in the list of meeting topics, for each topic you will find a “Prepare link” button.

After clicking this button, a form will appear where you can prepare the appropriate link, shorten it, and even generate it as a QR code.

In this form, you will find several fields that allow you to configure the shared link:

• You can enforce a specific time zone, which removes the client’s ability to change it.
• You can set the time format to 24-hour or 12-hour.
• You can choose the default language in which the client will see your calendar.
• You can share the calendar in a monthly or weekly view.
• In the analytics fields, you can add the attributes utm_campaign, utm_medium, and utm_source.